Flamebreak 是一款融合了 FTL、Isaac 和 Dota 元素的 Roguelite 动作角色扮演游戏。每个生成的运行都会带来新的挑战和克服这些挑战的独特英雄。你的英雄的种族、武器和技能将极大地改变你对付每个敌人和塑造你的角色的方式。掌握你的武器库并杀死神——或者加入成千上万的先行者的永久死亡行列。
- 超过 100 个小时的游戏时间由程序生成的世界和数千种起始英雄的可能性提供支持,这些可能会改变每次运行的感觉
- 每日挑战!与好友和全球玩家竞争以获得最佳成绩
- 解锁 10 场比赛,每场比赛都有独特的激活能力和统计数据
- 8 种具有不同攻击风格和特殊奖励的武器
- 20 多种有趣但难以掌握的技能,包括 Hook 等受 Dota 启发的技能
- 50 多种敌人类型,每种类型都有不同的 AI 和攻击模式
- 100 多个物品,包括 15 个具有强大的游戏扭曲效果的物品套装
- 通过游戏手柄、鼠标+键盘,甚至只是键盘进行流畅的控制,带来令人发自内心满意的游戏体验
- 通过手绘卷轴和山姆“Poem_for_your_sprog”Garland 撰写的优美押韵诗句探索 Flamebreak 的世界
- 数以百万计的种子运行
- 多个玩家档案
Flamebreak is a roguelite action RPG that blends elements of FTL, Isaac, and Dota. Each generated run presents new challenges and a unique hero to overcome them. Your hero’s race, weapon, and skills will dramatically change the way you approach each enemy and build your character. Master your arsenal and slay a god – or join thousands who fell before in permadeath.
Key Features:
- Over 100 hours of gameplay powered by procedurally generated worlds and thousands of starting hero possibilities that change the feel of each run
- Daily Challenges! Compete with friends and globally for the best run
- Unlock 10 races, each with a unique activated ability and stats
- 8 weapons with varied attack styles and special bonuses
- 20+ fun to learn, difficult to master skills including Dota inspired skills like Hook
- 50+ enemy types each with different AI and attack patterns
- 100+ items, including 15 item sets with powerful, game-warping effects
- Viscerally satisfying gameplay featuring fluid controls with a gamepad, mouse+keyboard, or even just a keyboard
- Explore the world of Flamebreak through hand painted scrolls and beautiful rhyming verse penned by Sam “Poem_for_your_sprog” Garland
- Millions of seeded runs
- Multiple player profiles