
游戏玩法的灵感来自《暗黑破坏神》等经典《Hack & Slays》以及《Tales of Maj'Eyal》或《Stoneshard》等回合制角色扮演游戏。然而,这款游戏中没有永久死亡。它的目标是成为一款易于上手且有趣的动作角色扮演游戏。



- 回合制战斗,允许快速行动或战略规划
- 一个有很多值得探索的地方的开放世界
- 充满活力的像素艺术外观,清新的动物氛围
- 多种游戏模式,如果您喜欢轻松或具有挑战性的体验
- 程序生成的地下城和洞穴
- 主要故事情节和各种支线任务
- 无阶级的角色发展,有许多可以解锁的能力
- 不同品质的装备和具有特殊能力的独特物品
- 狩猎巨型虫子或收集草药和其他有用的资源
- 许多具有不同技能的敌人类型可能需要战术决策
- 加入派系以获得更精致的技能和装备
- 组装藏宝图并按照其提示获得强大的护身符
- 与各个定居点的商人交易你的珍贵战利品
- 在竞技场排行榜挑战中与其他玩家竞争

A turn-based RPG that is action-oriented but rewards a thoughtful approach. Discover a fantastic land populated by different animal tribes.
You play Reik, a clever member of the tribe of foxes. A chain of unfortunate events involves you in a quest of vital importance to all the peace-loving creatures of the realm. You will have to leave your home village and explore the world to become strong enough to stand up to evil. (In other words: There will be a main storyline but it's still in the making!)

The gameplay is inspired by classic Hack & Slays like Diablo and turn-based RPGs like Tales of Maj'Eyal or Stoneshard. However there is no permadeath in this game. It aims to be an accessible and entertaining Action-RPG.
The lore is inspired by the classic Point & Click Adventure Inherit the Earth.

As you explore the land, you'll gain experience and unlock new abilities. Not all inhabitants will be friendly to you. Some will help you with information, others are only interested in trading, and still others will get in your way.

Improve your equipment and collect useful resources in the environment to have a decisive advantage in battle.

- Turn-based Combat that allows for quick action or strategic planning
- An Open World with lots of places to discover
- A fresh, animalistic setting in a vibrant pixel art look
- Multiple Game Modes if you prefer a relaxed or challenging experience
- Procedural generated dungeons and caves
- A Main Storyline and various side quests
- Classless Character Development with many abilities to unlock
- Equipment of different qualities and Unique Items with special powers
- Hunt giant bugs or gather herbs and other useful resources
- Many Enemy Types with different skills that may require tactical decisions
- Join factions to gain access to even more refined skills and equipment
- Assemble Treasure Maps and follow their hints to obtain mighty talismans
- Trade your precious loot with merchants in various settlements
- Compete with other players in the Arena Leaderboard challenge