Incursion Red River is a tactical cooperative extraction shooter based in a de-stabilized Vietnam. As a contractor to private military organizations that stand to gain from the chaos of a war-torn country, you will engage in ruthless combat, discover dark secrets, and play to your advantage as the story unfolds.
《红河入侵》(Incursion Red River)是一款战术性合作撤离射击游戏,故事发生在一个动荡不安的越南。作为私人军事组织的承包商,您将参与残酷的战斗,发现黑暗的秘密,并随着故事的发展发挥自己的优势。
Vietnam has fallen into a civil war. Gangs, militia and private military organizations churn the collapsed state to their own advantage, and require contractors to do their dirty work. Lies pollute the geopolitical state of Vietnam as factions churn the chaos for personal advantage.

From 1950 to 1970, the Russian-backed People's Liberation Army successfully defended Vietnam against American forces. Vietnam rebuilds and prospers over the next few decades, especially through arms exports, thanks to significant Soviet support. However, the Soviet Union's collapse in 1990 leaves Vietnam vulnerable. Western economic infiltration and cultural transformation begins to shift Vietnam's geopolitical landscape. By 2013, China's interest in Vietnam intensified, resulting in the formation of a China backed Vietnam Communist Union Party. A front for a private military organization designed to sabotage Western influences. Over the next 2 years, covert and black-ops conflict between the US and China lead to Vietnam's societal collapse. International intervention started in 2015, but degraded over the next 3 years into conflict involving various PMCs and militias, driven more by profit and opportunism than by governmental allegiances, set against the backdrop of a once-prosperous country now engulfed in lawlessness and war.
从 1950 年到 1970 年,俄罗斯支持的人民解放军成功抵御了美军的进攻。由于苏联的大力支持,越南在接下来的几十年里重建并繁荣起来,特别是通过武器出口。然而,1990 年苏联解体使越南变得脆弱不堪。西方的经济渗透和文化转型开始改变越南的地缘政治格局。到 2013 年,中国对越南的兴趣日益浓厚,并成立了一个由中国支持的越南共产党联盟党。这是一个旨在破坏西方影响的私人军事组织的幌子。在接下来的两年里,中美之间的秘密和秘密行动冲突导致越南社会崩溃。国际干预始于 2015 年,但在接下来的 3 年里,冲突升级为涉及各种私营军事公司和民兵的冲突,其驱动力更多的是利益和机会主义,而非效忠政府,其背景是一个曾经繁荣昌盛的国家如今陷入了无法无天的战争之中。

Incursion Red River lets you play with up to three of your friends. Complete contracts and challenges from three different PMCs to increase your reputation and rewards. Access the vendor to purchase limited quantities of weapons and gear. Whether you prefer to be scoped from afar or like keeping things close and personal, you choose how you get the task done. Shoot and loot your way through the tropics of Vietnam to gain influence and wealth, or die trying and lose it all.
《红河入侵》让您最多可与三位好友一起游戏。完成来自三个不同 PMC 的合同和挑战,以提高您的声望和奖励。进入供应商处购买数量有限的武器和装备。无论您是喜欢远距离瞄准,还是喜欢近身肉搏,您都可以选择完成任务的方式。在越南的热带地区一路射击和掠夺,以获得影响力和财富,或者死里逃生,失去一切。
Tactical and Immersive

Incursion Red River provides the player with a balanced first-person experience that feels realistic, yet fun. Equipment and weapons influence ergonomics and combat playstyle, so you will need to pick your loadout carefully. Simulated ballistic systems affect weapons and have unique characteristics that can be adjusted with attachments. Bringing in the right gear, having a proper plan of attack, and emphasizing tactical plays will maximize the success rate for deployments.
Weapon Customization
You will have the ability to select and fully customize a wide variety of weapons. Swap out barrels, handguards, foregrips, stocks, sights or magazines and turn your trusty ak from a close-quarters menace, into a deadly accurate long range rifle.
您可以选择并完全定制各种武器。更换枪管、护手、前握把、枪托、瞄准镜或弹夹,将您值得信赖的 AK 步枪从近距离威胁变成致命精准的远程步枪。
Player Hideout
Your Hideout is where all preparations are made. Accept new Contracts, invite friends, or test your weapons at the firing range. This is also where you view your inventory, stash, and purchase or sell items. After each deployment, you will return here.
Singleplayer & Co-op

Play with up to three friends, or choose to be a lone wolf when deploying.