山姆最近运气不好。在无意中惹恼了他们的疯狂科学家室友后,他们的意识被下载到一个被称为 SERA 单位的机器人战斗少女中。是的,她们现在是一名女性机器人战斗少女。如果这还不够糟糕的话,他们现在被拖入一个名为“弗拉克”的魔法维度,并被迫参加敌对的怪物女孩部落之间的内战。
- 生活模拟/视觉小说/角色扮演游戏的混合体!
- 配音战斗部分由澳大利亚专业配音演员主演,包括 Aimee Smith(《自由星球》和《神之浩劫》)、Rhiannon Moushall(《黑暗时代:最后一战》和《CrisTales》)和 Allanah Fitzgerald(《Kiss Off》和《Crush Crush》)
- 这是一部讲述 SERA 在 The Frakk 冒险故事的大型长篇故事,弥补了Max’s Big Bust – A Captain Nekorai Tale和Alluna and Brie之间的差距。
- 多个不同生物群落中的数十种独特敌人。
- 探索弗拉克 (Frakk),这里有多个独特的岛屿,拥有自己的商店、活动和战斗地图
- 华丽的人物艺术。SERA有很多可爱的服装!
- 对Alluna 和 Brie的战斗引擎进行了彻底改造,具有更好的响应能力和改进的反馈。
- 通过 Heart Beat 友谊系统,可以与许多独特的角色浪漫并一起出去玩
- 大规模更新的生活模拟元素,例如改进的士气表可快速测量 SERA 的情绪,以及更轻松地查找心跳事件
- 阿什利和克洛伊带着全新剧集《Max Heart Minute》回归,这是一档游戏内新闻节目,可让您知道哪些商店正在进行促销
- 《Max’s Big Bust – A Captain Nekorai Tale》、《Alluna and Brie》、《Max’s Big Bust 2》和《Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme》的作者也有同样的幽默感
Sam has had a run of bad luck lately. After inadvertantly upsetting their mad scientist roommate, their consciousness is downloaded into a robotic battle maiden known as a S.E.R.A. unit. And yes, they’re now a female robotic battle maiden. If that wasn’t bad enough, they’ve now been dragged into a magical dimension known as The Frakk and forced to take part in a civil war between opposing monster girl tribes.
Being a robotic battle maiden is honestly kind of cool, once you get past the abject humiliation of the whole situation. Being forced to obey the orders of your criminally insane roommate is a bit of a drawback though, as is being forced to refer to her as ‘Mistress Ellie’ due to some obstructive programming in your new robot body. Will Sam find a way to return to their original human body, or will they be spending the rest of eternity as a glorified appliance?
- A Life-Sim/Visual Novel/RPG hybrid!
- Voiced Combat Sections starring professional Australian voice actors, including Aimee Smith (Freedom Planet and Smite), Rhiannon Moushall (Age of Darkness: Final Stand and CrisTales) and Allanah Fitzgerald (Kiss Off and Crush Crush)
- A massive full length story following S.E.R.A.’s adventures in The Frakk that bridges the gap between Max’s Big Bust – A Captain Nekorai Tale and Alluna and Brie.
- Dozens of unique enemies across multiple varied biomes.
- Explore The Frakk, which features multiple unique islands with their own shops, activities and battle maps
- Gorgeous character art. S.E.R.A. has a bunch of cute outfits!
- An overhaul of the combat engine from Alluna and Brie featuring better responsiveness and improved feedback.
- Many unique characters to romance and hang out with through the Heart Beat friendship system
- Massively updated life simulation elements, such as an improved Morale meter to quickly gauge S.E.R.A.’s mood and easier ways to find Heart Beat events
- Ashley and Chloe return with brand new episodes of Max Heart Minute, an in-game news show that lets you know which stores are holding a sale
- The same humour you know and love from the author of Max’s Big Bust – A Captain Nekorai Tale, Alluna and Brie, Max’s Big Bust 2 and Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme