- 选择您的文件格式:图像、音乐、视频或游戏!
- 升级您的设置以提高信用收入、上传速度和处理能力
- 使用强大的发生器进行超频
- 使用黑客来提高你的黑客水平并加快你的进步
- 具有独特机制和属性的工艺模块
- 使用研究树解锁强大的技术
- 使用机器人为您完成工作
- 探索多个层次的进步
- 以及更多!

受 ARPG 的启发,模块系统与 hack 相结合,可实现高度可定制的游戏玩法。
探索 20 多个模块,每个模块都具有随机的属性和品质,为您提供实验的机会。

Upload, upgrade and repeat. Upload Simulator is back with much more content. All systems have been expanded, and numbers have never been so big!
Delve into this immersive sci-fi incremental game where numbers never stop growing. Play actively or automate your way to ascension; the choice is yours.
- Choose your file format: image, music, video or game!
- Upgrade your setup to increase your credit income, upload speed, and processing power
- Overclock using powerful generators
- Use hacks to increase your hack level and speed up your progress
- Craft modules with unique mechanics and attributes
- Unlock powerful technologies using the research tree
- Use robots to do the work for you
- Explore multiple tiers of progression
- And much more!

Inspired by ARPGs, the module system combined with hacks allows for highly customizable gameplay.
Unique modules can be crafted and equipped to enable powerful builds with different trade-offs. Do not like the hack system? You can disable it entirely to get passive performance!
Explore more than 20 modules, each featuring random attributes and qualities, providing you with opportunities for experimentation.