《Black Mesa》是粉丝对 Valve Software 的《半条命》进行的重新想象。

1.5 版更新汇集了 15 年开发过程中对图形和游戏玩法的所有改进,打造出 Black Mesa 的最终版本。现在是拿起撬棍玩的最佳时机!


- 完全重新构想和改进的单人战役,包括所有新的和扩展的 Xen 关卡
- 19 个章节,包括穿越绝密实验室、在严酷的沙漠地形上奔跑、潜入废弃铁路以及跨越维度
- 令人兴奋的图形和效果,在 Source 引擎上从未见过
- 对抗经典敌人的军队,更新了新功能和引人入胜的人工智能
- 在令人难以置信的详细环境中使用军事硬件、科学原型和标志性撬棍
- 全新的配乐和配音创造了比以往更加身临其境的体验
- 50 项有趣且具有挑战性的成就

在《半条命》宇宙中的10 张标志性地图上与您的朋友们进行战斗,包括:

使用Black Mesa Source SDK创建您自己的模组、模型和地图,然后在 Steam 创意工坊上与社区分享。

收集全套交易卡、背景、表情符号和成就!具有 Steam 云、Steam 创意工坊、多种语言的隐藏式字幕和完整的控制器支持。

Relive Half-Life
Black Mesa is the fan-made reimagining of Valve Software’s Half-Life.

Black Mesa: Definitive Edition
Update 1.5 brings together all the improvements to graphics and gameplay across 15 years of development to create the final version of Black Mesa. There has never been a better time to pick up the crowbar and play!

Single Player Campaign
You are Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist at the Black Mesa Research Facility. When a routine experiment goes horribly wrong, you must fight your way through an interdimensional alien invasion, and a bloodthirsty military clean-up crew in order to save the science team... and the world!

- A completely reimagined and refined single player campaign, including all new and expanded Xen levels
- 19 chapters of fighting through top-secret labs, running atop harsh desert landscapes, sneaking into abandoned railways, and leaping across dimensions
- Mind-Blowing graphics and effects, never before seen on the Source Engine
- Face off against an army of classic enemies, updated with new features and engaging AI
- Wield an arsenal of military hardware, scientific prototypes, and the iconic crowbar through incredibly detailed environments
- The all-new soundtrack and voice acting create a more immersive experience than ever before
- 50 Fun and challenging achievements

Frag your friends across 10 iconic maps from the Half-Life universe, including:
- Bounce
- Gasworks
- Stalkyard
- Undertow
- Crossfire

Create your own mods, models, and maps with the Black Mesa Source SDK, then share it with the community on the Steam Workshop.

Collect the full set of trading cards, backgrounds, emoticons, and achievements! Featuring Steam Cloud, Steam Workshop, closed captions in multiple languages and full controller support.