“《Turbo Overkill》是多年来最好的《托尼霍克》游戏。”
– 粉丝字节
– 体育运动
“Turbo Overkill 不仅是目前市场上最好的婴儿潮一代射击游戏之一,而且还是市场上最好的游戏之一,句号。”
– Superjumpmagazine.com
Turbo Overkill深受 Id 的《毁灭战士》和《雷神之锤》以及 Apogee 的《毁灭公爵 3D》等一些历史伟大作品的启发,具有令人惊叹的赛博朋克视觉效果,是 Apogee 发布的最野蛮的 FPS。你扮演约翰尼·涡轮(Johnny Turbo),装备有隐藏的手臂火箭和从你的小腿伸出的电锯,让你可以将敌人切开。
在这个《银翼杀手》与《毁灭战士》的地狱场景中,约翰尼回到了他的家乡天堂,发现那里的所有人口都被流氓人工智能 Syn 及其增强爪牙军队所控制。约翰尼迫切需要足够的钱来摆脱过去的错误,他承担了摧毁有史以来最伟大的人工智能这一不可能的任务。赏金猎人的竞争对手想要首先获得奖品。在天堂里没有什么是容易的。
Turbo Time、攀墙、猛冲和抓钩,天哪
Turbo Overkill将超越巅峰提升到前所未有的高度。激活 Turbo Time(™),一种带有扭曲的慢动作新形式。通过墙跑和冲刺建立令人难以置信的速度。滑上你的电锯腿,将敌人掏出内脏,打开老板造成严重伤害,并在飞行汽车的引擎盖上进行汽车冲浪。使用双马格南弹(Twin Magnum)进行爆炸,它可以锁定并震慑数个敌人,使用 Boomer 霰弹枪及其附带的榴弹发射器,或者使用 Telefragger 狙击步枪(可以在敌人从内部爆炸之前将约翰尼传送到敌人体内)。
o 杀死头目,获得其增强(特殊能力)
o 用你的抓钩玩蜘蛛侠
o 用你的电锯滑片踢一击毁灭公爵
o 杀戮 = 现金。使用现金安装增强装置、升级武器,并在天赋树中添加新能力
o 在墙壁奔跑时成为幽灵跑者
o 像功夫狂暴的坏蛋一样骑着飞行汽车的引擎盖从上方发起攻击
o 内置于你的迷你火箭机械臂?✔
o 这个。列表。将要。生长。将游戏加入愿望清单以见证它的发生
“ 《Turbo Overkill》速度快、疯狂、凶猛,是过度的化身,”Trigger Happy Interactive 的成员萨姆·普雷布尔 (Sam Prebble) 说道。“这是我们一直想玩的游戏;这是一个梦想的项目。无情的敌人、极其致命且有趣的武器、速度和精确度高于一切——如果您喜欢《Quake III Arena》、现代和经典的《DOOM》或《Apogee》的传奇第一人称射击游戏,那么您会在《Paradise》中感到宾至如归。”
“作为帮助推出《德军总部 3D》、《三合会崛起》、《毁灭公爵 3D》、《马克思佩恩》和《掠食》等射击游戏类型的人,自 Apogee/3D Realms 的黄金时代以来,我从未对 FPS 如此兴奋过。”创始人斯科特·米勒写道。“ Turbo Overkill是一个沙盒,充满了有趣和原创的游戏创意,就像一晚融化的热披萨和您最喜欢的冷泡沫啤酒一样。玩这款游戏让我重新成为了涡轮爱好者。”
“Turbo Overkill is the best Tony Hawk game in years.”
– Fanbyte
“If Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead movie made the Chainsaw Arm an iconic piece of weaponry, wait till you see the leg chainsaw.”
– Sportskeeda
“Turbo Overkill isn’t just one of the best boomer shooters on the market right now – this is one of the best games on the market, full stop.”
– Superjumpmagazine.com
Half-metal, half-human, all murder machine
Heavily inspired by some of the all-time greats like Id’s Doom & Quake, and Apogee’s Duke Nukem 3D, with stunning cyberpunk visuals, Turbo Overkill is the most savage FPS ever released by Apogee. You play as Johnny Turbo, augmented with hidden arm rockets and a chainsaw that extends from your lower leg allowing you to slide-slice enemies wide open.
In this Blade Runner-meets-DOOM hellscape, Johnny returns to his hometown of Paradise and finds its entire population possessed by Syn, a rogue AI, and its army of augmented minions. Desperate for enough money to outrun his past mistakes, Johnny takes on the impossible job of destroying the greatest AI ever created. Rival bounty hunters want to claim the prize first. Nothing is easy in paradise.
Turbo Time, wall-running, dashing and grappling hooks, oh my
Turbo Overkill takes over-the-top to never-before-reached heights. Activate Turbo Time(™), a new form of slow motion with a twist. Build incredible speed by wall-running and dashing. Slide on your chainsaw leg, eviscerating foes and opening up bosses for critical damage, and go car-surfing on the hoods of flying cars. Blast away with the Twin Magnums, which lock-on and instagib several foes, the Boomer Shotgun and its attached grenade launcher, or the Telefragger sniper rifle, which teleports Johnny inside an enemy before they explode from within.
Race through two dozen stages packed with secrets, bonus arena stages, and white-knuckle combat puzzles. Find game-changing collectibles to unlock punishing modifiers like triple-monster-speed and insta-kill. Combine all of Johnny’s weapons and powers to outsmart, outgun and outrun the corrupted legions.
o Kill a boss, get its augment (special power)
o Play Spider-Man with your grappling hook
o One-up Duke Nukem with your chainsaw slide-slice kick
o Kills = cash. Use cash to install augments, upgrade your weapons, and add new abilities in your talent tree
o Be a ghost runner while wall running
o Attack from above riding the hood of your flying car like a kung-furious badass
o Mini-rockets built into your robotic arm? ✔
o This. List. Will. Grow. Wishlist the game to see it happen
Don’t quote us on nuthin’
“Turbo Overkill is fast, frenetic and ferocious—excess personified,” said Sam Prebble, one half of Trigger Happy Interactive. “This is the game we’ve always wanted to play; making it is a dream project. Relentless enemies, extremely deadly and fun weapons, speed and precision above all else—if you love Quake III Arena, modern and classic DOOM, or Apogee’s legendary first-person shooters, you’ll feel right at home in Paradise.”
“As the guy who helped launch the shooter genre with Wolfenstein 3D, Rise of the Triad, Duke Nukem 3D, Max Payne, and Prey, I haven’t been this excited about an FPS since the golden era of Apogee/3D Realms,” wrote Scott Miller, founder. “Turbo Overkill is a sandbox of fun and original gameplay ideas that come together like a night of melty hot pizza and your favorite cold, frothy brew. Playing this game made me a Turbo Lover all over again.”